Car Insurance coverage has two parts, and three other types of coverage.
Auto Liability Insurance
Auto Liability Insurance covers your financial responsibility for injuring others and the
damages to other peoples property including their vehilce or anything else you run into with your vehilce.
Liability Insurance is manditory in the State of California with the minimum limits of $15,000 per
person, $30,000 total cost of personal injury per claim. The insurance also covers other property damage you
cause such as the other vehicle or building or what ever you run into within the scope of the policy. The minimum
property damage liablilty coverage for the State of California is $5,000.
At Avenida we try to give people higher limits of Liability so that if a claim does happen the
insurance will cover the cost of the claim. If you don't buy high enough limits, you are liable for any damages not
covered by your insurance company.
Comp and Collision
The second part covers of the insurance (if purchased) covers the car itself: comprehensive
coverage reimburses losses from fire, theft or other things that happen to your vehicle. Collision coverage pays to
repair losses caused by an accident. Often this coverage is mandated by leasing companies or banks. There are also
other coverages such as medical, car rental and other coverages which vary by state.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Uninsured Moterist Coverage covers you (in the event of an accident) if the person that hits you
has no insurance. It would pay for your deductable if you had comp and collision and pays up to $3.500 for fixing
your vehicle if you just have liability and Uninsured motorist. It does not pay for a hit and run or any
comprehensive damage to your vehicle unless you can prove that the other driver had no insurance.
Rental Reimbursment
Rental coverage can be purchased and will pay for the cost of you renting a vehilce if your
vehicle is damaged due to collision, or theft or vandalism. Different amounts of coverage can be purchased, eg: how
many days, how much per day.
You can also purchase towing insurance that covers the price of the tow from your damaged
vehilce to a tow yard to get fixed. Towing only covers vehicles that have been damaged in an accident or
vandelised so the can not move. It does not cover roadside assistance.
Roadside assistance
Roadside assistance can be purchased with any insurance polciy and has different
levels of assistance depending on which plan you choose. We can help you with purchasing this coverage and
some of our policies come with it included.